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2023-01-19 04:35:17|漫威下载站小编 |来源:投稿





1. The of the X-Men 《X战警》系列影片时间轴


The first began back in 2000 with Bryan 's aptly , X-Men. It two , 2002's - X2: X-Men , and 2006's - X-Men: The Last Stand. a bona fide -star and his role in two films, 2009's X-Men : and the 2013 , The .That us to the with 2011's X-Men: First Class, in the same as the . It was by 2014's X-Men: Days of Past.该系列最早始于2000年布莱恩•辛格执导的片名讨巧的《X战警》,然后引出两部续篇:2002年好评如潮的《X战警2》和2006年的票房毒药《X战警:背水一战》。杰克曼成了实打实的动作明星,在两部番外篇——2009年的《X战警前传:金刚狼》和2013年的续篇《金刚狼2》——中重新演绎了他的角色。这就为我们带来了“前传三部曲”蚁人,第一部是和 《X战警前传:金刚狼》在同一条时间轴上的2011年的《X战警:第一战》,随后是2014年的《X战警:逆转未来》。2. There Are of in -- Here's Who You Need to 《天启》中有很多角色,你需要牢记的是这些人


The (), () and () is once again the main focal point of the film. In First Class, we got to see these meet for the first time. In Days of Past, on and his on the of the .“魔形女”(大表姐)、“万磁王”(法鲨)和“X教授”(一美)之间的复杂关系又一次成了影片的主要焦点。在《第一战》中金刚狼,我们看到这些角色第一次相遇。在《逆转未来》中,“魔形女”转向“万磁王”一派x战警前传金刚狼,企图刺杀美国总统但失败了。X-Men: is set 10 years after these , which were in who these have come to be when we catch up with them.


3. 's Is One of the Good Guys Now詹妮弗•劳伦斯饰演的“魔形女”现在成好人了


Fans were first to shape- in the X-Men . The femme , was evil. But that all in X-Men: First Class. of the X-Men, she was one of them. , by the end of the film, her the much , and by X-Men: Days of Past, she as the that fans were with. Once again , by end of that movie, she found her way back to the side of good.影迷们第一次见到能变形的“魔形女”是在X战警前传三部曲中。“魔形女”作为最致命的性感尤物,毫无疑问是反派人物。但这一切在《X战警:第一战》中都变了。她不再与X战警们作对,反而成了他们中的一员。但是,影片快结束时,她又转向了更加黑暗的“万磁王”一派。在《X战警:逆转未来》中,“魔形女”又成了影迷们熟悉的邪恶刺客。但是x战警前传金刚狼|看《X战警:天启》前必须知道的5件事,在影片结束前,她又回到了正派人物的行列。So, which side does the blue find this go-? You'll have to wait and see for .那么,贪婪的蓝美人这一回又会站哪边呢?等小伙伴们自己去找答案咯。

4. Is 's “万磁王”是“快银”的父亲


While fans of the know that is 's , it was only in Days of Past, as a joke. But now, it is fully and adds a thick layer of to a that was only used for comic . But fear not – he's still in .虽然漫画迷们都知道“万磁王”是“快银”的父亲,但这一点只在《逆转未来》中微妙地展现过,而且几乎是一个转瞬即逝的笑话。但是现在,他们的关系得到充分挖掘,“快银”这个人物也更为丰满,不像从前只是用作漫画中的笑料。但是别担心——他在《天启》中还是好笑得无与伦比。

‍5. and Jean Grey Are the Goals



Yes, this is a film. Yes, there is tons of . But there's also a lot of heart in this -- when it comes to X-Men's #OTP (One True ) -- (Tye ) and Jean Grey ( ).是的,这是一部超级英雄电影。是的,这里有大量打斗场面。但是,这部影片也是相当走心的——特别是讲到X战警中的“镭射眼”(泰·谢里丹)和琴•葛雷(苏菲·特纳)这对CP的时候。We met them in the , and while they were very much a , the of the films were spent on their love with 's . But in , we get to see these young and meet and we get a front-row seat to the of what will X-Men's super-.

